More Door

Doors are always an issue with old cars. Because they get so much mechanical action they tend to be problematic. The other day I was driving with the window down and when I pulled into a store it wouldn’t go up. Hmmm I said. So I went into the store and, just like clockwork, Murphy’s… Continue reading More Door

Bad Gas

I was having a strange problems where if I let the Tahoe sit for more than one day then when I next went to start it it would take many cranks to start. The longer it sat unused the harder it was to start. I would be running the starter for several minutes and then… Continue reading Bad Gas

Drivers Door

The drivers door was always hard to close. You basically had to slam it to get it to close all the way. That was a real nuisance. Now it closes super easy and fits great. To fix the door you need only remove the old hinge pins and put in new ones as explained beautifully… Continue reading Drivers Door

Fix AC

When I got the Tahoe the previous owner, “Bear” told me he just charged up the AC and that it should last me a while. It lasted about 2 weeks or so. Weather was mild to cold so it’s hard to say, but the system definitely had a leak. At some point the system had… Continue reading Fix AC

New Door Switches

I got and installed new door window and lock switches. The plan was to replace them with ones that look newer and that light up. They look new alright but don’t light up. So I have some digging to do to figure out what up there.

4-Wheel Drive

So the 4-wheel drive stopped working. It went out a while ago when I was driving in the rain, but then started working again. Now it is out totally as the switch shows no lights. Looking at the transfer case and, like the front differential, it was leaking and there was a mess all around… Continue reading 4-Wheel Drive